Workplace wellbeing initiatives to help boost mood, energy, and naturally burn fat the smart way
A 6-week workplace wellbeing programme creating healthy habits to energise and motivate your employees
A six-week wellbeing programme for metabolic health
When making lifestyle changes, it’s quite normal to experience ups and downs in motivation. This is why it’s helpful to get support over a period of time, to help form new lasting habits. This workplace wellbeing programme combines different motivational elements, including knowledge, coaching, and peer support with some friendly competition and fun thrown in. It’s a great ‘next step’ for workplaces looking to go beyond single webinar sessions, to support employees to implement change and reap the benefits for physical and mental health.

Workplace wellbeing programme structure

3 x 1 hour group coaching sessions, including meal planning, addressing barriers to change and motivation, and an end-of-programme quiz

Health questionnaire at start and finish

3 prizes posted to winners in recognition of best efforts and achievements

Recipes and resources throughout

All session recordings
Programme overview
Please note that the topics can be tailored for different themes. We’ve run versions of the workplace wellbeing programme focusing on energy and addressing fatigue, mood and brain health, or more specifically on building an exercise routine.
Week 1: Metabolic Boost – 1 hour webinar
There are many factors which influence our metabolism, from hormones to sleep, and calorie intake is just one part of the story. Why is it important to know about these factors? Because our metabolic health has a major impact throughout our life on our body shape, how we feel, as well as our overall health and longevity. Book onto this eye-opening session to discover:
- Why our metabolism is so important for long-term health
- How to measure metabolic health at home (why knowing your waist/hip ratio is more useful than BMI and how to measure it)
- The role of different macronutrients (protein, fats, carbohydrates) and the perfect balance to aim for
- How to kick sugar cravings and plan well-balanced meals throughout the week
- The 7 blocks to healthy weight loss and how to address them (including the role of different hormones, sleep and exercise)
- Intermittent fasting: is it a good idea?
Week 2: Practical Meal Planning – 1 hour interactive structured group coaching
Week 3: Boost your Fitness – 1 hour webinar
Whether you’re already a keen fitness fan or the idea of exercise makes you break into a cold sweat, this workshop is filled with motivating insights that will make you want to take your fitness to the next level. What it covers:
- How fit are you? Let’s do a quick check
- Movement vs exercise – how they differ and why we need them both
- Benefits for your brain and your mood
- Physical health and longevity benefits of different forms of exercise
- What does a well-rounded exercise routine look like in order to maximise the benefits to you?
- Key nutrition principles in sports and exercise
Week 4: The Alcohol-savvy Action Plan – 1 hour webinar
Cutting down on alcohol, even for just 21 days, can pay huge dividends: clearer healthier skin, weight loss, feeling healthier and mentally stronger.
This workplace wellbeing workshop is designed to encourage and support the reduction or abstinence of alcohol for 21 days or longer.
- Calculate your weekly and monthly alcohol units
- Estimate how many calories you’re ‘drinking’
- Work out your monthly tipple budget and how much you could save
- Understand the benefits of reducing alcohol intake
- Design your own 21 day ‘challenge’
- Make a personalised plan for achieving your ‘challenge’ goal including top tips, nutritional advice and some practical suggestions for alternative drinks in different situations
Week 5: Super Challenge – final push– 1 hour interactive structured group coaching (overcoming barriers to change, taking the 7 day Super Challenge)
Week 6: Quiz on programme content – 1 hour group coaching and sharing of progress, announcement of 3 winners

Watch this video interview with Jasmyn, a recent participant from the 6-Week Metabolic Kickstart programme run by REM Real Estate Management Ltd. Jasmyn shares her experience of implementing the lifestyle changes and her thoughts on wellbeing as a benefit offered by her employer.
Not sure where to start?
Arrange a quick conversation about your organisation,
your employees, and how to get started