Wellbeing webinars & workshops

Kids’ Nutrition

Understanding the nutritional requirements of school age children and winning formulas for tasty nutritious packed lunches.

Kids nutrition workshop

Understanding the nutritional requirements of school age children and winning formulas for tasty nutritious packed lunches.

Who it’s for:

Parents and anyone with an interest in children’s health, including schoolteachers.

What it covers:
  • Key areas for children’s health, from bone and muscle growth to brain and nervous system development
  • A look at school dinner guidelines and nutrient requirements
  • Potential pitfalls to look out for, including the downsides of highly processed foods or high sugar content hiding in ‘healthy’ options
  • Keeping kids healthy and happy – tips for winning over young taste buds and how to create a positive experience for even the fussiest  eaters
  • Healthy meal ideas for snacks, lunches & dinners with some delicious recipes shared following the session
What people say:

‘’Very informative session and easy to follow. Keeps you interested at all times.”

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Additional resources

Kids nutrition poster

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