“Have your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” 

Flexible and affordable expert consultancy helping you to achieve your goals

Flexible and affordable wellbeing strategy guidance

Explore our bespoke support programmes designed to help you navigate your workplace wellbeing challenges and guide you to practical implementation and results. An ideal solution for when you don’t have the resource or specialist knowledge to get the greatest impact out of your work.

Many of the workplace wellbeing leads we speak to grapple with the huge task of driving forward wellbeing in their organisation with limited resources.

Do any of these challenges resonate with you?

  • You have a lot of “things” in place, but are not sure what impact they are having (if any).
  • You want to embed a more strategic approach to wellbeing but are unsure of where to start?
  • You have Mental Health First Aiders® and/or wellbeing champions, but they’re not engaged and you want them to be more impactful.

Our “Have your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” programme gives you access to 6 hours of expert knowledge, skills, and experience, tailored to your specific challenge(s).

Your very own Workplace Wellbeing Consultant, no matter the wellbeing challenge you face, will:

  • Support and guide you whilst following evidence-based and best practice guidelines.
  • Act as a critical friend, helping develop solutions that best fit your organisation.
  • Provide practical actions for you to take away after every session to stay accountable to.

How does it work?

Step 1 – Free taster session to discuss whether your challenge is one that can be solved via our “Hire your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” Programme. By the end of the session, we will have agreed the objectives and outputs of the sessions, as well as how regularly the sessions will be held and their duration.

Step 2 – Regular video calls are held with your personal Workplace Wellbeing Consultant at a schedule agreed previously. During these sessions, you will be given actions to complete outside of the sessions, and you will bring updates on these actions to the next session.

Step 3 – Your challenge is overcome!

Scenario examples:

Common Challenge 1:

“We are doing a lot of things for wellbeing, but no idea whether it is making any impact, as we don’t have a strategy or plan in place”

Solution: “Hire your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” Programme

Step 1

During the free 30-minute consultation, it is revealed that the Wellbeing Lead has never written a Workplace Wellbeing Strategy before and doesn’t know where to start or what one looks like.

This is a perfect challenge for the “Hire your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” Programme. It is agreed that by the end of the programme, the Wellbeing Lead will have completed a full wellbeing audit and understand how to turn this into a full strategy with the guidance of their expert.

On this occasion, it is agreed that sessions should run monthly, each lasting 1 hour.

Step 2

Session 1
• What to include in a wellbeing audit and why it’s important to get right
• What questions should I be asking in a survey and gap analysis?
• Who should I include in a focus group, and what should I ask them?

Session 2
• Reviewing the survey and focus group questions with suggested changes.
• Audit timeline agreement
• Communications plan for audit process to maximise staff engagement

Session 3
• Update on survey uptake, and how to increase engagement further
• Review of focus group responses
• Support completing a gap analysis to identify gaps in wellbeing provision

Session 4
• Next steps on analysing your audit data
• Aligning your objectives with your data and ensuring you have the correct metrics for measuring impact

Session 5
• Review of survey data and key themes
• Conversations about key objectives and possible interventions/changes

Session 6
• Wrap-up session
• Next steps in turning the audit data into a full strategy

Common Challenge 2:

“We’ve put in place a network of volunteer wellbeing champions, but one year in, the results are mixed. Only a very small percentage of the champions seem to be engaged and proposing initiatives. We are looking to overhaul and relaunch the champion programme to ensure it delivers good outcomes”

Solution: “Hire your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” Programme

Step 1

During the free 30-minute consultation, some of the key barriers to success are identified, namely: champions are struggling to fit in the time to focus on wellbeing initiatives on top of their day-to-day role, it seems the recruitment process may not have been thorough enough to identify champions who were truly committed to this volunteer role. Finally, the champions lack structure and clarity on their role and how to take it forward.

This is a perfect challenge for the “Hire your own Workplace Wellbeing Expert” Programme. It is agreed that by the end of the programme, with the guidance of their expert, the Wellbeing Lead will have put in place a comprehensive new structure ready for a relaunch of the programme. The new approach will include practical steps to improve engagement and a 3-year plan to structure the wellbeing champion programme so that it can grow and develop successfully.

Since the Wellbeing Lead is looking to relaunch the champion programme within 3 months, it is agreed that sessions should run every 2 weeks, each lasting 1 hour.

Step 2

Session 1
Outlining the overall wellbeing champion strategy, including a vision and objectives aligned with the business for the next year as well as the next 3 years.

Session 2
Working on initial draft of the plan to implement the strategy, including key milestones, timescales and stakeholders involved. Defining the role of wellbeing champion and creating a detailed description, including attributes, expectations and the support they can expect.

Session 3
Finalising the plan and how to communicate it to different groups within the business. Outlining draft of recruitment comms, including application form and criteria for recruitment.

Session 4
Discussing initial feedback from different stakeholders, including some concerns from line managers, and working on a presentation and additional resources to achieve wide buy-in to the wellbeing champion programme.

Session 5
Reviewing results of initial implementation steps, in particular applications so far, and early stages of selection process.

Session 6
Reviewing progress so far and putting final touches to launch event in 2 weeks’ time.

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