
International Men’s Day

6 Diet & Lifestyle Tips for Men’s Health

International Men’s Day

6 Diet & Lifestyle Tips for Men’s Health

A growing number of employers have become acutely aware of the vital need to support men’s health and wellness in the workplace in recent years. Each year the Movember and International Men’s day campaigns raise awareness around men’s health, from mental health and suicide prevention to prostate cancer and testicular cancer. It’s an important message, given that men’s life expectancy globally is just over 5 years shorter than women’s’ (in the UK it’s 3.7 years).

There are several risk factors linked to both mental and physical health which go some way to explain this appalling statistic. Men are less likely to open-up and share their emotions, and they are also less likely to visit their GP.

Stigma often prevents men from seeking treatment, which can isolate them more and worsen their conditions. Talking about issues improves the situation by making it more acceptable to those suffering to seek help, learn to cope and begin recovering.

So what can you do as an employer to support men in the most effective way? In this article we share 6 key tips for you to share as part of your wellbeing communications:

  1. Get regular check-ups

Keeping track of blood pressure and important health markers such as blood sugars and liver enzymes can prevent serious illness at an early stage. And of course, it’s vital to report any new symptoms to your GP as soon as possible.

  1. Embrace the veg

Reports have found that only 28% of adults meet the recommended ‘5 a day’ and the proportion of men is even lower. The guideline reflects recommendations from the World Health Organisation that consuming 400g of fruit and vegetables per day can reduce risks of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and some cancers, including colorectal cancer, which is more frequently found in men.

International Men's Day

Think healthy swaps such as roasting vegetables instead of potatoes, choosing a salad instead of a sandwich, or simply adding an extra portion of veg with a meal. Dark leafy greens are particularly helpful for their magnesium content, which helps support healthy testosterone levels.

Our on-site activities are guaranteed to create a buzz and help overcome barriers to wellbeing engagement.

  1. Boost your fibre

By adding more veg you will be boosting your fibre too. In addition to veg, seeds, wholegrains and pulses all help support digestive health and regularity. This in turn helps keep cholesterol in check as well as supporting bowel and heart health.

Just adding some ground linseeds on your breakfast is a great place to start.

  1. Keep sugar and alcohol in check

Both of these place a burden on your liver and metabolic health. A high intake long term will increase your risk of developing Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

You should aim to replace your sugary snacks with more protein rich snacks such as nuts or hummus and oatcakes. If you drink alcohol on a regular basis, think of ways how you can reduce your consumption, for example only drinking on certain days or going dry for a month to break the habit.

  1. Build in movement and exercise

Different forms of exercise each have specific benefits for men’s health. Including some resistance training will help maintain healthy testosterone levels. Most importantly, aim to avoid long periods of sitting, which increase health risks and have even been associated with lower sperm count in healthy young men (Gaskins, 2015). Keeping track of steps can be a huge motivator to keep moving and walking whenever possible.

Do you have a hybrid team? We also have a range of webinars and workshops on how to thrive in our new hybrid world to stay healthy and active at home.

International Men's Day

  1. Watch your stress

The term ‘life-load’ has begun to emerge in recent times, highlighting the many aspects we juggle on a daily basis, and work is just a part of this.

Everyone needs time to recharge and it’s important to find what works best for you. Whether it’s spending time in the fabled ‘man shed’ or finding a mindfulness app that resonates, don’t underestimate the importance of ‘me time’.

How can we help promote men’s health in your organisation?

We offer a range of webinars including specifically Men’s Health which pinpoints the specific risk factors which men are most susceptible to, both in terms of their physical and mental health. This is a great way to open up the conversation about men’s health, including mental and emotional wellbeing amongst your team. 

Alternatively, for organisations looking to include highly engaging in-person initiatives into their wellbeing programme around International Men’s Day. Body composition testing is a tried-and-tested way to create engagement and inspire healthy changes.

Forward-thinking organisations are realising the key part workplace wellbeing plays at every level of team performance. From being an employer of choice to creating a culture which supports happy, healthy and empowered employees. Get in touch now or read more about us for more information.


Travison TG, Araujo AB, O’Donnell AB, Kupelian V, McKinlay JB. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;92(1):196-202. doi: 10.1210/jc.2006-1375. Epub 2006 Oct 24. PMID: 17062768.

Galaviz KI, Narayan KMV, Lobelo F, Weber MB. Lifestyle and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: A Status Report. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2015;12(1):4-20. Published 2015 Nov 24. doi:10.1177/1559827615619159

Gaskins AJ, Mendiola et al. Physical activity and television watching in relation to semen quality in young men. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Feb;49(4):265-70. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091644. Epub 2013 Feb 4. PMID: 23380634; PMCID: PMC3868632.






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