Mental Health First Aid Training Open Courses

Book your place today.


Interested in Mental Health First Aid Training for your organisation but don’t have enough participants for a custom 16-delegate session?

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming dates are now available for individual bookings.

First of all, would like to thank you for such courses. Very helpful and useful, also informative. During the course, I reflected a lot about my own lifes and got a better understanding of how everything there. ALGEE skill will help my personal life better and would like to help others as well. I do appreciate it.

MHFA 2-day Training (Open Course), June 2024

Super informative and engaging content. I now feel much more confident and knowledgeable about assessing and assisting with mental health issues/concerns.Elliot was very helpful, enthusiastic and overall excellent in delivering the online course and I would highly recommend this course!

MHFA 2-day Training (Open Course), June 2024

Elliot was really good at leading this course and kept it engaging throughout the two days. I would highly recommend the course to anyone, I have gained more knowledge and understanding in using different methods to approach and engage in conversation with a colleague who may be struggling with their mental health. Thank you Elliot!

MHFA 2-day Training (Open Course), June 2024

Ready to book your place?

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We will be in touch within the next working day to confirm availability on your chosen date and arrange payment.
Kindly check your inbox or spam folder for updates.

If you encounter any issues, contact us at

Our Course Instructor

Elliot Foster

Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Consultant

Elliot joined SuperWellness at the start of 2024, having supported organisations across Leicestershire think more strategically about workplace wellbeing in his previous role.

He is passionate about helping organisations make the most effective and sustainable business decisions to support the health and wellbeing of their staff, ensuring that there are no “tick-box” exercises, and making sure everything has impact. His career to date and MSc in Business Psychology allows him to look past individual interventions, and towards what makes a healthy working culture.

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