Superwellness Webinars

Men's & women's health

6 Steps to Post-Menopause Health

6 Steps to Post-Menopause Health

More and more employers are aware of the impact of the menopause at work, and are taking steps to facilitate conversations and provide relevant support. There is however still a long way to go and one often overlooked but critical topic is the post-menopause stage....
Men’s Mental Health

Men’s Mental Health

Uncover the important factors when it comes to the status of men’s mental health, whilst equipping men with the appropriate and wide-ranging tools to help them manage and enhance their mental health. Who is the men’s mental health workshop for: Key information...
Introduction to Menopause Awareness at Work

Introduction to Menopause Awareness at Work

Although much has been done in recent years towards addressing the taboo around menopause a, there is still a lot of work to be done to build awareness and understanding around this issue. If you are looking to create a more menopause-friendly workplace, this...
Understanding & Embracing the Menopause

Understanding & Embracing the Menopause

Our menopause workshop shares a 7-point practical plan to support your body and mind when dealing with menopause in the workplace. Learn how to experience a smoother transition into this phase of life. According to the Office of National Statistics, menopausal women...
Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Who the men’s health workshop is for: Anyone interested in using nutrition and lifestyle measures to address men’s health and wellbeing, whether for themselves or their loved ones. What it covers: Why is men’s life expectation currently almost 4 years shorter...
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